"People want to belong to something bigger than themselves that fulfills their values, that enables them to do something they didn't think they could do normally. "The easiest way to motivate someone is letting them buy into a narrative," Samahiel tells me. While most interaction in the galaxy of New Eden is as tangible as a torpedo slamming into your hull, Samahiel's currency is far more subtle. He illustrates the way that EVE has evolved from beyond the confines of its installation folder on your hard drive-no longer a game but a virtual society where people like Samahiel contribute in ways that often transcend the mechanics of EVE entirely. If you ever wanted proof that EVE Online is the strangest, most surreal MMORPG available, Samahiel is a good place to start. From within this shady organization radiates the whispers that dismantle alliances, turn defeats into victories, and weave the yarn of EVE's living narrative. For those who might not understand the reference to Orwell's "1984", The Ministry of Truth is The Imperium's very own propaganda branch. He is a diplomat for the Goonswarm Federation, the most powerful alliance in EVE that spearheads a coalition of alliances known as The Imperium, but he is also the director of the Ministry of Truth. While most are defined by how they spend their time in the game, like blowing up defenseless miners for example, Samahiel's influence in EVE is more profoundly felt by the time he spends outside of the game.

Samahiel Sotken is not your average EVE Online player.